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Members may reserve the facilities at the Club for private or social functions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and social events. The member must be present for the entirety of the event, including set-up and clean-up. Application is made through the Secretary using the 'Club House Rental form' below. The form is to be submitted with a $50 cheque, payable to Cedar Island Yacht Club, for the rental charge, which is non-refundable. The facilities are to be cleaned and returned to pre-event condition, failing which the amount of $65.00 for cleaning will be billed to the member’s account. Post-event condition will be determined by the Property Officer.
The facilities may also be rented by members, under the same terms above, for events such as meetings, seminars and other commercial purposes. These events are to be booked fourteen (14) days in advance through the Secretary and approved by the Executive.
Cedar Island Yacht Club is a private club for use by all its members. Consequently, if the facilities are being used for a private event, the member(s) renting the Club cannot expect its exclusive use - members maintain the right to access all of the facilities. Club facilities will not be available during a Club sanctioned event.
NOTE: The Club facilities will not be available for rental during the months of June, July and August, except for non-holiday Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays when no Club-sanctioned events are planned. Cedar Island Yacht Club is a private club for use by all its members.
Alcohol is not to be sold or supplied on CIYC property without a proper permit being obtained when one is required.
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